Your Smile is Our Pride

Treatments / Peri-Implantitis Treatment

Comprehensive Care for

Peri-Implantitis Treatment

Peri-implantitis is a condition involving infection in the gum tissues surrounding dental implants and the loss of the supporting bone around the implant. As dental implants become more common, peri-implantitis is increasingly being diagnosed and is one of the most current issues in modern dentistry.

“Protect your smile and the health of your implants with timely peri-implantitis treatment.”

Peri-implantitis is more likely to occur in the first few years after an implant placement, and if not addressed, it can rapidly progress, leading to severe bone loss and implant failure. Identifying the risk factors and initiating treatment early can help in preventing its progression.


Conditions That Can Cause Peri-Implantitis

  • History of periodontal disease (periodontitis)
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Genetic factors
  • Insufficient gum tissue in the implant area
  • Faulty prostheses on implants
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)

These conditions increase the risk of peri-implantitis, and proper care should be taken to avoid or manage these risk factors to ensure implant longevity.

Treatment of Peri-Implantitis

Peri-implantitis treatment involves non-surgical or surgical options depending on the severity of the condition. Non-surgical treatments are preferred when bone loss is just beginning and aim to clean and maintain the health of the surrounding tissues.

**Non-surgical Treatments:** This treatment involves curettage and cleaning of the affected gums and bone, followed by specific care instructions for the patient. This is effective in early stages when bone loss is minimal.

**Surgical Treatments:** In more advanced stages, surgery is required to open the implant site, remove infected tissues, clean the area, and potentially use bone grafts to regenerate bone around the implant.

Early intervention is crucial for successful peri-implantitis management, helping to preserve the implant and prevent further complications.